Prose and Cons Prose and Cons: Anime NYC 2024 Yet more travel to the east coast? The cons just don't stop! The last con of the year for us is Anime NYC 2024 which moved from November to August.
Prose and Cons Prose and Cons: Otakuthon 2024 Another week, another convention. This time on the east side of Canada in Montreal for Otakuthon 2024.
Prose and Cons Anime Expo 2024: Side Jukey An Anime Expo veteran's take on what the SPJA has been cooking.
Prose and Cons YourAnimeList 2024 Panel Recording We've posted a recording of our 2024 YourAnimeList panel on our YouTube channel
Prose and Cons YourAnimeList 2023 Panel Recording We've posted a recording of our 2023 YourAnimeList panel on our YouTube channel
Prose and Cons Prose and Cons: Anime NYC 2023 Another East Coast Con? You bet! Time to head to New York for Anime NYC.
Prose and Cons Prose and Cons: Otakuthon 2023 Another year, another trip to Montreal for Otakuthon 2023. How does it fare?
Prose and Cons Prose and Cons: ACGHK 2023 Visiting a convention in Hong Kong? Sign me up! See you at ACGHK.
Prose and Cons Prose and Cons: Sakura-Con 2023 Sakura-Con is probably Fansubbing’s favorite convention - every year, it brings us together for a long weekend and provides us an opportunity to reconnect and just have fun. So, what did we do this year?
Prose and Cons Prose and Cons: Otakuthon 2022 Anime conventions in 2022? A summary of anime cons in 2022 feat. Otakuthon 2022.
Prose and Cons Prose and Cons: Sakura-Con 2022 Anime conventions return to Seattle, after delays in 2020 and 2021. How'd they fare?
Prose and Cons Prose and Cons: Anime Central I went into ACen 2019 with high hopes, and while my experience was quite different from 2017, it ended up being a fun convention and worthwhile experience.
Prose and Cons A-Kon 2018: Immortalizing Rap in Anime A nostalgic con of modest enjoyment. Lloyd does his nearly-annual ritual of local Dallas Fort Worth conning from June 7th - Jun 10th. Back from Korea. A not-so-free week trial
Prose and Cons Anime Central 2018: Side Lloyd Anime Central? I went once in 2016. It was okay, but I probably won't ever retu—fhána?!?