Flying Fish (トビウオ) Sanma Rules English-translated rules for Flying Fish Sanma (トビウオ), a 3-player mahjong variant. Also included are translations for rule variations on top of the base ruleset, ぶっトビウオ and ふっトビウオ.
Season To Taste Season to Taste: Love To-LIE-Angle I'd be To-LIE-ing to you if I said this show was going to be anything special.
Going the Extra Miles Topping the wild events of Sakura-Con 2017 was a tall order, but this year the group behind Fansubbing came together and pulled it off.
The Verdict The Verdict: Ryuuou no Oshigoto Young girls playing shogi. It's about as good as you'd expect.
Aegis of Fansubbing All good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, we cannot in good faith call fansubbing a good thing, so it does not get the glory of dying.