Corporations dropping vowels taken to the extreme.

VRV, the new video streaming website by Ellation (the company holding Crunchyroll's leash), has a very peculiar name. The acronym's full phrase isn't publicly disclosed and many fans have been inquiring as to the meaning for some time. We tasked our top minds with offering up several potential names...

  1. Vacuous Reality Vids
  2. Very Righteous Vaginas
  3. Viewer Retina Violation
  4. Viles Rexpress Vree-nine
  6. Viewing Requires Vodka
  7. Victoria Really Vapes
  8. Volatious Race Violets
  9. Very Reliable Video
  10. Vanishing Raunchy Virility
  11. Volkswagen Revving Vehicles
  12. Virtual Reality Video
    Editors Note: This was submitted by a staff member who keeps asking to write about Kirito and Asuna. He has since been fired.

In the end, the staff behind Fansubbing could only agree on one thing: VRV's name is fricken dumb.

Sir5000 contributed to this list.

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